Consider the Cost

Are you afraid to hire an interior designer because of the cost? I ask you to consider this: the cost of NOT hiring a designer can be even greater.

Have you ever gone furniture shopping online or in a store and made an impulse buy? That beautiful cream-colored sofa looked great on the screen or the showroom floor….and then you got it home. It doesn’t match the carpet, is too large or too small, it makes the rest of your furniture look terrible etc.

Buyer’s remorse is real. I’ve been there.

If your new sofa looks great, but now everything else looks like crap, you could be spending even more than you bargained for to try to bring your space up to snuff.

Hiring an interior designer before you start buying is a smarter move. We listen attentively to your wants, likes, and dislikes, and help you make a plan of attack so that everything is cohesive. 

There are going to be a lot of sales between now and the end of the year and the temptation to “buy now or else” is going to be intense. My two-hour coaching consultation might be just what you need. Together, we will make a plan that will save you hours of frustration and stress.

And that, I would argue, is priceless. 


Seven Ways to Deal with Delays


Wallpaper: Subtle or Statement?