Wallpaper: Subtle or Statement?
I love wallpaper. I always have one room in my house featuring it and if you’ve worked with me, odds are very, very good that I have recommended it to you at some point.
I often hear objections like “Wallpaper? That reminds me of my grandma’s house,” or “Isn’t wallpaper out of style?” The short answer is, no. The longer answer is, if you choose correctly, it will never appear dated.
I firmly believe wallpaper is the best way to personalize a room. There are many thousands of brands and choices, but I think it’s easiest to categorize wallpaper into two categories: statement and subtle.
Ask yourself: Do you want your guests to walk in and say “WOW,” that is amazing or would you prefer them to say “Your house feels so warm and welcoming.”
Under the statement category, I'd suggest looking for something with bright colors and/or a large pattern. Swipe to see the floral and koi wallpapers, both are vastly different, but each makes a statement about the homeowner and their aesthetic. Bath and powder rooms are a great place to play with statement wallpapers.
On the other hand, subtle wallpapers can be equally as impactful, but in a different way. The geometric and grasscloths in the second images are softer, but still add visual interest and most importantly, texture.
So tell me: are you on team statement or team subtle?
PRO TIP: Highly durable vinyl wallpaper is great in bathrooms and other high traffic areas.
Grasscloth is one of my favorite choices.